"Drugs are bad, people. And surgery is also bad if you have the intention of doing that "growing older" thing. I don't find Madonna really ugly. I think people keep saying that just because she's ge"

"Well, if someone were to tell me all those things one after the other, I'd be quite scared."

"It looks like Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver haven't been added to Listal yet? ETA: they have now been added."

"We mustn't forget that many of these sequels are absolutely horrible."

"Indeed Queen - Mercury is an equation I'd rather not know the answer to."

"I have made several modifications to the list. I have removed some duplicates and items of a dubious status as "video games". The list should be in order of release in North America (I am biased :P),"

"Wow, I haven't seen any of them. I saw at least one of the films that have a sequel on here, though."

"Great list. Well, there's one director in particular I wouldn't have included (Tarantino), but he does have quite a lot of fans. That doesn't make Death Proof any better, though."

"My favorites are those that portray humans, since you'd expect them to be more recognizable. It's sure that someone portraying the Beast (in Beauty and the Beast) will look different."

"Don't forget that Miley Cyrus is Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter. That must play for something."

"There must be at least one Spice Girls song that fits in there?"

"Many horror films put a lot of gore and blood and chopped up people, but for me they still don't beat Eyes Without A Face in terms of creepiness. It's just so...realistic. Like a documentary."

"I really recommend Dumb & Dumberer, or whatever is called. Or rather, I recommend you to add it to this list and never, ever, ever watch it."

"OK, for some reason there are two films (Children of the Corn and Lit feng chin che 2 gik chuk chuen suet) that popped up on the list and just won't go away. They are obviously neither animated films "

"Oh, interesting. One could argue, however, that "orange" in A Clockwork Orange refers to the fruit rather than the color."